An easy way to make money is to simply spend less and save money. This might not make sense when you’re looking for ways to make a little extra but one less dollar you’re spending is one more dollar that can be saved. Not many people like this but it’s time to spend some time with your checking account and credit cards and figure out where the money is going. If you haven’t done this in a while, you’re going to find areas that need to be cut and places you can spend less.
If you’re not working a regular job, it’s time to make “saving” your job. Here are just a few ways you can go about this.
- Utility bills – Many utility companies have clear ways to save. Visit their website to get ideas. Don’t just turn things off when they’re not being used but go one step further and unplug that item. You’ll be surprised at the electricity you can save. One or two degrees warmer or colder on the thermostat can save a fortune
- Water – Time your showers, don’t flush #1… Yeah, I know that some will get grossed out by this one but I know a company that put up a sign and saved a ton!
- Cable – Time to cut the cord? How much TV do you watch? And is it mostly Netflix? I cut the proverbial cable cord a couple of years ago. It’s great!
- Cancel streaming services you’re not using.
- Pay off high-interest credit cards. This costs a little extra in the beginning but you’ll save a lot long term.
- Cook dinner rather than going out
- Cut coupons. There are apps for this!
Here are some of my favorite money-saving books if you’re interested:
I promise that many of the ideas in these books you’ve never heard about.